YuJa in the Classroom

Instructions on the use of YuJa in our instrumented classrooms using the provided desktop computer.

User Guide Topics


Video Lesson

Yuja in the Classroom

This document will provide information on using YuJa to be able to provide your students with recordings of your lectures.

To start, select either the Class or the Web Conference Mode. Class mode should be used if you are using YuJa and all of your students are in the room with you, no online audience. Web conference mode should be used if you are using YuJa in connection with a videoconference tool such as Zoom Workplace or Microsoft Teams.



Open YuJa and sign-in to the application. Once you are signed in, the screen will look like this:

Yuja overview 

The highlighted parts are numbered, the numbers correspond to the descriptions below. Make sure that everything appears to be in order:

1) Video

  1. This area is for the video settings. No changes should be needed in our general purpose classrooms. The camera feed and the content feed should be displayed in the 2 preview windows of YuJa.

2) Audio

  1. Again, no changes should be needed. Refer to 4 to confirm function.

3) Profile

  1. The profile should be set to "NDSU_Profile". If the profile is not “NDSU_Profile” an error has occurred. Please try to use the drop-down menu and select the profile named "NDSU_Profile. If there is no such option, please contact the IT Service Center and submit a ticket to get this problem addressed.

4) Audio Levels

  1. If there is a moving green bar when you speak into the microphone, then the application is properly receiving an audio source.

5) Video Input

  1. Being able to see two images, one with your content source and one with your camera image, means that the system is working. The image on the left will be whatever source is selected on the touchscreen, and the right source will be the selected camera source

When you have confirmed that all sources are working in YuJa, click the “Start” button in the bottom-right corner of the window (highlighted below) to record your lecture

Start Recording

Upon hitting “Start”, you should see a short countdown timer. Once the countdown is complete, the recording will start. There will be a small menu that stays in the bottom-right corner of the screen. This can pause/resume and stop the recording at any time. When you are done recording, hit the stop button. There will then be a window that pops up. Hit “Save” and this will upload the lecture to your Yuja account.

 Capture start 

Once you have selected to save the recording, you can log out of the computer. Your Yuja recording will upload to your online account in the background. The message below will appear once the upload has been completed if you do not sign out right away.

Yuja done


instrumented classrooms 
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Daniel E. in NDSU IT Knowledge Base
NDSU IT Knowledge Base