Topics Map > Services > Teaching, Learning and Classrooms > Productivity & Storage Options
Topics Map > Services > Teaching, Learning and Classrooms > Web Conferencing

Submitting a Flip Video in Teams

Follow the steps below to successfully submit a Flip video via Teams.

Logging in to Teams

  1. From a Chrome browser (recommended), go to the NDSU start page at and select Email. 

    NDSU start page with Email highlighted

  2. Login with your NDUS account and accept your DUO Push. Visit our Multi-Factor Authentication - Using MFA webpage if you have questions, or watch our video on setting up your DUO MFA for the first time
  3. Select Apps in the left column

    Left column in Microsoft 365

  4. Select Teams under Apps

    Teams under apps heading

Navigating to your Assignment

  1. Select Teams from the left side bar, and then your class. 

    Teams panel selected, with classes to the right

  2. Select assignments from the left side bar, and then your assignment

    Assignments selected in Teams

  3. Select New and Flip Video Recording. You can also attach a file. 

    Flip video recording selected under the new drop down arrow

  4. Allow the pop-up for Teams to use your camera and microphone.

    Pop up asking to allow access to microphone and camera

Recording & Turning in the Assignment

  1. The recording has a time limit of 10 minutes. You can record both audio and video, or just audio. You can use the options in the right panel to edit your video while recording. Select the button in the middle to start the video or audio.

    Flip recording UI

  2.  Select Review to review your video, then Next. 
  3. Give a title to your recording and select Upload, then Done. 

    Menu asking for a assignment title
  4. In the top right, select Turn In.

    Turn in button

Related resources

Teams, Assignment, Flip, Video, Student, Staff, 
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Owned by:
Sharley K. in NDSU IT Knowledge Base
NDSU IT Knowledge Base