Topics Map > Services > Accounts, Access, and ID Card
Topics Map > Services > Computing Equipment, Software and Support > Software
Topics Map > Services > Communication and Collaboration Tools (Web, Video, Voice, Storage) > Email and Calendar (O365)
Digital Suitcase
Important info about your NDSU accounts
- NDSU email accounts are managed by the N.D. University System (NDUS) and you will have access to it for 18 months after your last enrolled date. You should establish a new personal email account as soon as possible.
- Your other NDSU accounts are scheduled to be removed in the spring of 2025, at which time you will lose access to computer labs, G-suite (i.e., Google Docs, Drive, Sites, YouTube), online library services, CCAST, and other NDSU IT services.
- Please remember that any content created as a student employee is owned by NDSU and should not be exported.
To prepare for the closing of your NDSU accounts:
Download and save files stored in your NDSU accounts to your computer or other personal file storage area. These may include files stored in Blackboard, Google Drive, OneDrive and your NDSU email account.
- Log in to Blackboard using your NDUS credentials
- Click the Tools tab in Blackboard
- Select Content Collection
- Select My Content
- Check the box next to each document you want to download and save (or check the box at the top to select all)
- Click Download Package to generate a .zip folder
- Click OK or Save, and then choose where to save the folder on your personal computer, disk or USB flash drive
Google Drive
- Log in to your Google Drive account (use your email address)
- Click My Drive
- Select which documents you'd like to download
- Click the Download option
- Your document will download to your computer
OneDrive (optional)
If you have not yet done so, download and install the OneDrive client to prepare your computer to sync the files.
Sync your OneDrive files to your computer
- Log in to your NDSU Office 365 account
- Click on OneDrive in the top menu
- On your OneDrive page, click Sync
- At the prompt, click Sync Now to start the sync app
- Click Sync Now in the app to start the syncing
- Click Show my files to open the synced OneDrive folder in File Explorer
- Once your OneDrive client is synced, a green check mark will appear next to each file or folder
Copy your synced files to your computer
- Create a new folder on your computer where you want to save the files
- Open the new folder and open your OneDrive folder
- Highlight the files you want to copy in your OneDrive folder and drag them into the new folder
- Wait for the files to finish copying
- Verify you can open some of the copied files
Disconnect and uninstall your OneDrive account from your computer
- Right click on the OneDrive icon in the system tray
- Click Stop syncing a folder
- Select OneDrive – North Dakota State University
- Click Stop syncing
- Click Yes
- Go to the Start menu and select Control Panel
- In the upper right corner, change View by: to Small icons or Large icons
- Open Programs and Features
- Find OneDrive in the list of programs
- Right click on the name and select Uninstall
- Follow the prompts to uninstall the OneDrive client
NDSU Email (optional)
You have two options for moving important email messages and attachments out of your NDSU email account:
- Manually forward important messages to a personal email account, or
- Set up both your NDSU email account and a personal email account in a single email client (e.g., Microsoft Outlook), and then drag the messages from your NDSU account to your personal account. View instructions on how to set up your NDSU email account in some email clients.
Add your personal email address as your preferred email address in Campus Connection to continue receiving important messages after graduation.
- Go to Campus Connection
- Log in using your NDUS credentials
- Click the Profile tile
- Click Contact Details
- Click the Add Email icon
- Click the Email Type drop down, and then select the type
- Enter your personal email address in the Email Address field
- Check the Preferred box, and then click the Save button to finish
- You can also update your mailing address in the Addresses tab
If you've installed NDSU-provided software on your personal computer for use as an NDSU student (e.g., Read & Write), be sure to remove that software from your computer.