Topics Map > Services > Security > Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) requires two steps to verify your identity. Duo is the vendor for MFA.


University System Services 

NDSU employees must use MFA to verify their identity before logging in to the University System services such as Office 365 and PeopleSoft. You need to log in with your University System ID and password as well as your, second factor. 

NDSU Services 

Employees and students will be required to use MFA for NDSU services, including all services that use NDSU CAS (Central Authentication Services), InCommon/eduGAIN, Google Apps, Navigate, and some remote desktop services.

Help, consultation, training

IT Service Center


Intended Audience

  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Students

Using this solution


24/7/365 [*Standard outages]


University-funded: no charge


Working phone number

Getting Started

  • Users will be prompted to set up MFA when they are activating their NDUS/NDSU accounts. Step-by-step instructions can be found at the DUO Guide to Two-Factor Authentication website.
  • It is highly recommended you install the Duo Mobile app for ease of use, but it also allows you to generate codes directly from the app even if you have no network service
  • We also recommend setting up multiple devices in the event you do not have your phone with you or if your phone becomes inoperable. Backup devices may be Code Generators or a USB Security Key/Token. See the Multi-Factor Authentication - Managing Your Devices page for more information about these devices.

Best Practices

  • Do not approve a Duo prompt, or press 5 on Duo Phone call if you are not currently expecting one. Immediately contact the IT Help Desk for assistance if you receive a DUO prompt you did not initiate
  • If you start to receive a large amount of prompts, your password may have been compromised and you will need to change that password as soon as possible. Immediately contact the IT Service Center for assistance
  • No reputable service will call you out of the blue and tell you that you will need to approve the next Duo prompt for security reasons. Report these calls to the IT Service Center

Learn More/How To's

Use Cases

  • Uses will receive Duo prompts when trying to sign into all services that use NDSU CAS (Central Authentication Services), InCommon/eduGAIN, and some remote desktop services. 

Related resources

service, mfa, multi factor authentication, authentication, multi, factor, security, two factor, duo multifactor 2fa,2factor, 2, fa 
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