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Blackboard Original Student Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Below are common questions and answers listed in this Blackboard Students FAQ article.

The following is a listing of Blackboard Original frequently asked questions (FAQs) by students The questions have been organized into several groupings, which can be clicked on to jump to the section for viewing.


  1. Where are my Assignments posted in my course?
    • Instructors can post assignments in different areas in Blackboard Original. Some create a Content Area specifically named Assignments, while others might put assignments in Course Materials. So, it is important to go through the Course Menu to familiarize yourself with where your instructors have posted materials.
    • Also, it is always a good idea to review the syllabus and ask your instructor any questions.
  2. How do I Submit my Assignment?
    • When you are ready to submit your assignment, click the Assignment link on the course menu or the content area where the assignment was posted. Then follow the instructions on Blackboard's Submit Assignments web page.

Course Menu

  1. Why does my Course Menu look different in every course?
    • Instructors can personalize and set up their course menus differently.
    • They can add and remove different Content Areas specific to their course.
    • It is important that you go through each Content Area on the Course Menu to familiarize yourself with how the course is set up. 

Finding My Courses

  1. I don't see all of my courses in Blackboard Original that I registered for in Campus Connection. There may be different reasons why you don't see them in Blackboard Original  yet:
    • If it has been less than one business day since you registered for the course in Campus Connection, it may take up to 48 hours to populate into Blackboard Original courses.
    • The course may not be displayed along with your other Current Courses. Use the Search and/or Filter options available on the Courses page to locate the course.
    • Navigating the Blackboard Learn Courses Page
  2. If you see the course in Blackboard Original but it is marked Private, when you click on the course you will see a message that it's not available. The instructor has not made the course available to students yet. Contact the instructor to find out when it will be available.
    • The instructor may not use Blackboard Original for this course. Contact the instructor to find out how the course materials will be delivered.


  1. What notifications should I have set up in my Blackboard Original?
    • The Ultra Base Navigation allows you to set up notifications in Blackboard Original including the Stream notifications, Email, SMS, and Push notification features according to your preferences.
    • For more information, check out this Blackboard Original help page on Notifications.

Old Courses

  1. Can I access courses from my previous semesters?
    • Unfortunately, students will not have access to courses from previous semesters.
    • If you need access to materials from a previous semester, you will have to contact the instructor of the course.


  1. I was kicked out of my exam. What happened?
    • If you experience problems during a test and cannot continue, contact your instructor immediately. Check out our knowledge base article on  Test-Taking Tips for Students 

KeywordsCommon questions and answers are listed in this Blackboard Learn Students FAQ article. We continue to update as we find additional questions and answers, Blackboard Original.   Doc ID115457
OwnerSharley K.GroupNDSU IT Knowledge Base
Created2022-01-03 16:15:05Updated2024-08-13 13:56:20
SitesNDSU IT Knowledge Base
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