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Blackboard Original - Viewing Instructor Feedback on Tests or Assignments

Below are instructions for students to view instructor feedback on Blackboard Original tests or assignments in My Grades.
  1. Log into Blackboard Original
  2. Select My Grades or Tools > My Grades
  3. Click the feedback bubble next to a score to see the general feedback (if one exists)

    My Grades feedback bubble next to the score.  Screencap of feedback form.

Blackboard Original Tests:

  1. Click the test name on the left to view test question items the instructor allows (i.e. scores, answers, etc.)
    Screencap of an example test called, "Final Exam."

  2. Click on your score on the Assessment Details page
    The score is in the bottom right.

  3. Review the information provided. For written responses, response feedback may also be provided
    Screencap of final detail page.

Blackboard Original Assignments:

  1. Click the assignment name on the left to view your submission and any annotations, comments, and feedback

    Screencap of example assignment named, "1978 - History of Video Games."
  2. Review the score and any text feedback in the Grade panel on the right, review the annotations and comments in the document on the left side

    Screencap of assignment feedback and review panels.

  3. Click the toolbar options at the top of the annotation/comment panel to search for specific text, view other pages, or download and/or print the annotated file

Keywordsblack, bord, board, blackbord, view, feed, back, test, assignment, bb blackbaord LAIC, TLMC LAIC, blackboard learn original, learn original   Doc ID103395
OwnerSharley K.GroupNDSU IT Knowledge Base
Created2020-06-26 11:53:31Updated2024-07-29 15:48:16
SitesNDSU IT Knowledge Base
Feedback  1   0