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Output Text Files
To use the following information offline, please download the PDF for your convenience - Output Text Files
Results from a scored exam can be output to three different tab-delimited text files suitable for importing. Complete Question #6 on the INFO sheet AND tell the Help Desk consultant if you would like any of these three different output text files sent to you via email.
A comma-separated text file formatted specifically for import into the Blackboard Original Grade Center:
- The generated text file name is a combination of the first word of the exam name the instructor entered in the NAME grid on the INFO sheet, + BBout, + the generated Incident Number (ex. INSTSVS_BBout_300000.txt)
- The fields generated in the BBout text file are: "Username" (the generated Bb username), "Score_000000" (the generated Incident Number), and "ID" (the Student ID or EmplID)
An RTF file containing the formatted reports generated:
- The generated text file name is a combination of the type of Scantron form used (i.e. 5- choice, 10-choice), single answer or multiple answer (S or M), and the generated Incident Number (ex. Exam5_S_300000.rtf)
A comma-separated scores text file which can be imported into most spreadsheet and/or word processing applications (but not into the Blackboard Original Grade Center):
The generated text file name is a combination of the first word of the exam name the instructor entered into the NAME grid on the INFO sheet, the word 'scores', and the generated Incident Number (ex. INSTSVCS_scores_300000.txt)
The fields generated in the scores text file are: (A) ID Number, (B) Name, (C) Exam score expressed as a percent, (D) Total points obtained (objective + subjective), (E) Total points possible (objective + subjective), (F) Objective points obtained, (G) Objective points wrong, (H) Objective points omitted, (I) Subjective points obtained, (J) Last 16 characters of NAME field on INFO sheet, (K) Course number, (L) Section number, (M) Test version number, (N) Test type (as given in Question #6 on INFO sheet), (O) Test number (as given in Questions #7 - 9 on INFO sheet)