Central File Services

NDSU File Services provide NDSU employees with a secure location to store and back-up files, and also provide an easy method for sharing files with others within and across departments.


NDSU's Central File Services includes data storage, backup and sharing for departments and individuals. File Services are commonly referred to as Windows File Services or the S:, X:, and U: drives:

  • S: drive for department shared folders and files
  • X: drive for cross-department shared folders and files
  • U: drive for individual user's storage
  • R: large quota storage for researchers starting at 5TB (request via the IT Service Center)

Help, consultation, training


Email: ndsu.itso@ndsu.edu

IT Service Center

Intended Audience

  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Students

Using this solution


24/7/365 [*Standard outages]


University-funded: no charge.


Software Requirements:

  • To be supported by Desktop Support in the domain, computers must be running up to date and supported Operating Systems. 

Hardware Requirements:

  • Hardware that is approximately 5 years of age or newer will be supported. All HP systems should be able to join the domain.

Best Practices

Data Security

Suitable for data protected by FERPA, and suitable for IRB data and Intellectual Property. If you are storing data that may be impacted by export control restrictions, please contact NDSU's chief IT security officer at ndsu.itso@ndsu.edu.
Central File Services is NOT suitable to store Personal (Non-NDSU) Information 

Related resources

service, files, sharing, storage, s drive, s, u drive, x drive, s, u, x, shared drive, personal drive, department shared 
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Owned by:
Jeff G. in NDSU IT Knowledge Base
NDSU IT Knowledge Base