Qualtrics - Results Tab 7/15/2024

In 8/24, this will take the place of the previous Results Tab. Even if you copy the survey, the changes you make on one results tab won't transfer over the settings to another. As far as I've observed, every help document displays the previous version of the results tab settings.

    Here are few ways to edit the new result tab

    1. Results
    2. Edit the Dashboard

    Showing the Results tab and Edit the dashboard button

    Edit email or comments settings

    1. Three dots to the right of Emails (steps 1-7 would be for all open-ended questions)
    2. Edit
    3. Display
    4. Show responses with no content turn off
    5. Show full response when click turn on
    6. Done
    7. Drag the widget until you see No more results to show without a scroller bar (Need to do this to see all the email or comments on the result page when you export it.

    Showing the three dots to the right

    edit button

    showing where to find display and the content options

    Add some stats

    1. Three dots to the right of the Gender widget that has Percentage and Count.
    2. Edit
    3. Scroll down on the Data tab until you see Calculations
    4. Add
    5. Click the Aggregate function you want to add
    6. Done

    showing the three dots to the right and the edit button

    Showing the Data table options

    showing where to find the Aggregate function

    Editing the Matrix Chart

    1. Three dots to the right of the Matrix chart
    2. Edit
    3. Display
    4. Under Data Values
      a. Turn on the Show data values
    5. Under Chart Styles
      a. Turn on Stacked chart

    Showing the three dots by the matrix chart

    showing the Display options

    Display chart style

    Video showing all the steps


    Qualtrics, Results Tab, Report 
    Doc ID:
    Owned by:
    Linda C. in NDSU IT Knowledge Base
    NDSU IT Knowledge Base