External Tools & Resources

External tools and resources include publisher content like textbooks, multimedia, and platforms (e.g., MindTap, Aleks) for accessing and submitting coursework. It also encompasses external websites and tools used by students, employees, or the public.

What are examples of external tools & resources?

Publisher Content  

This type of content includes textbooks and other course materials, such as PowerPoint presentations, documents, test banks, multimedia, and publisher platforms where students access content and submit work (such as MindTap, Aleks, etc.). It also includes other tools, websites and technology platforms developed by an external party that we ask our students, fellow employees and the general public to use.   

Other Tools

Examples of other tools currently available in Blackboard at NDSU include:  

Why Does This Content Need to Be Accessible?  

The NDSU Digital Accessibility Policy Section 724, states that all digital information and service is required to be compliant with the non-discrimination provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), as amended, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. This policy applies to all NDSU employees, both full-time and part-time. It also applies both to materials we create and to those we get from publishers, vendors or any other outside sources. For example, it is the responsibility of the instructor to ensure that all content shared in a course is accessible, regardless of who created it. 

How Can I Determine If Publisher and Vendor Content is Accessible?  

The Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) is a standard form that publishers and vendors can use to document how their product complies with federal guidelines for accessibility. Take a look throughout the vendor’s website to see if they have a VPAT listed and if they have a section on Accessibility.  

If the publisher or vendor does not list a VPAT or an accessibility compliance statement, it is your responsibility to find, or to switch to a publisher or vendor who can provide accessible content.  

If you find that the vendor shares current accessibility compliance information meeting requirements and would like to move forward with using the External Tool in in your course and Blackboard the next step is to submit a ticket at the IT Service Center your request for Software and Online Services – Security and License Review


External Tool & Resources , Publisher Content , 
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Sharley K. in NDSU IT Knowledge Base
NDSU IT Knowledge Base