ChatGPT is Here: What should I know?

This KB article presents workshop information on ChatGPT.

Audience: Faculty, Graduate Teaching Assistants, Staff

All sessions Zoom Link: 


With the potential of AI technologies, like ChatGPT, discussing their implications within higher education is imperative. The goal of the workshop is to explore possible ways of using or not AI tools in higher education.

Learning Objectives:

After attending the workshop, participants will be able to:

  1. Explain how Generative AI (like ChatGPT) works.
  2. Discuss possible practical applications of ChatGPT for teaching and learning.
  3. Describe concerns associated with the use of AI (e.g., fairness, privacy, and transparency).

See Upcoming Professional Development Opportunities for dates and times.

Keywordschatgpt, Generative AI, higher studies, workshop, faculty development.   Doc ID130501
OwnerAdemola A.GroupIT Knowledge Base
Created2023-08-22 10:11:18Updated2023-12-20 15:54:57
SitesIT Knowledge Base
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