Research and Education Networks :: Research and Education Networks Service Category Overview
North Dakota's connection to the global research and education community.

Academic and research collaborations, empowered through the community of R&E networks across the U.S., enable connections among anchor institutions all over the country. Partnerships across networks illustrate numerous examples of how innovations and solutions to advanced technological challenges are used to support local communities. The support from these partnerships empowers the advancement and expansion of local institutions through scientific discovery and educational outcomes; and of local economies through increased access to education, healthcare, employment and workforce training, and much more. 

North Dakota’s engagement in this effort is evident through its provision of NTN-ND, a segment of a larger regional consortium that interconnects with other similar networks to complete the full national R&E network fabric.

Results: 1-3 of 3

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
2Northern Tier Network North Dakota - History of Legislative Action and Century Code1069682023-03-212837
3Northern Tier Network North Dakota - History of Funding and Responsibilities1069202023-03-213284

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