Qualtrics - What To Do If Your Results or Reports Take A Long Time To Process

Do the results/reports just keep spinning or appear to be stuck?

    Results/Reports Results Taking Awhile

    If your reports are taking awhile to generate go to the Data & Analysis tab to see what percentage of the data has been downloaded because the reports will not be downloaded until about 99%. The reports can take while.

    Force A ReIndex Of The Data

    1. Go to the Survey flow
    2. Click +Add a New Element Here
    3. Select Embedded Data
    4. Type Reindex where it says Create New Field or Choose From Dropdown...
    5. Click Apply

    Showing where the survey flow is

    showing where Add a New Element Here

    Showing where Embedded Data is

    Naming the Embedded Data Reindex

    Shows where the apply button

    Go back to Data & Analysis Reload the page when the download percentage reaches 99%, your report will begin to load.

    Results, reports, data & analysis, Qualtrics just seems spin 
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    Owned by:
    Linda C. in NDSU IT Knowledge Base
    NDSU IT Knowledge Base