Qualtrics - Distributions

The Benefits of Using Qualtrics Distributions Compose Email is superior to our personal email. Describe the various methods for distributing the survey.

    Several methods for survey distributions

    Qualtrics has several methods for survey distribution, including anonymous links, emails, personal links, social media, and QR codes, and will display each method in the summary.  

    Distributions Compose Email Advantages

    • Everyone receives a personalized link to the survey, allowing reminders to be issued only to those who have not responded.  With the Survey option>>Security>> Anonymize responses turned on, email addresses are not linked to the responses.
    • You can view the distribution history or see the status of each email address by downloading the distribution history.  The following statuses are displayed: Started, Finish, Bounced, and Sent.
    • Your survey participants can begin the survey on their phones and conclude it on a PC.  If you sent a personal email, your respondents would have to start and complete on the same phone or computer.
    • It is easier to avoid duplicate submissions. Survey Options >> Security >> Prevent multiple submissions.  Even with the settings switched on, the anonymous link will not prevent multiple submissions.
    • Allow you to restrict survey access. Survey Options>>Security>>Invitation Only
    • You can personalize the invite and reminders by piping with the Embedded data from the panel.

    NOTE: Anonymize responses and Anonymous links are not the same thing.

    There are two methods to get started with Compose Email

    Under 200 email addresses

    1. Distributions
    2. Email
    3. Compose Email
    4. Select Contacts
      1. Lists
        1. New Contact List
          1. Name the Contact List (I would name the list so that you know what it is because you can reuse it for other surveys.)
          2. Email addresses (If the email addresses are in Excel, you can copy and paste the entire list as long as there are no blank lines.)
          3. First Name and Last Name is optional

    Distributions, Email, Compose Email

    Select Contact, List, New Contact List

    Over 200 Email addresses

    1. Directories
    2. Lists
    3. optional: +Create new folder to organize the lists. 
    4. Create a list
    5. List Name
    6. Add contacts to list
    7. Continue without identity resolution (Qualtrics is attempting to avoid duplication throughout the directory rather than just the list. I discovered that the identity resolution did not function very well, so perhaps run the list through Excel and delete the duplicates that way.)
    8. I normally do Manual input
    9. Email addresses (If the email addresses are in Excel, you can copy and paste the entire list as long as there are no blank lines.)
    10. First Name and Last Name is optional
    11. Menu
    12. Projects
    13. Search for your survey and click into the survey
    14. Distributions
    15. Compose Email
    16. Select Contacts
    17. List
    18. My Library: 
    19. Search for the list
    20. Find the list
    21. Select Entire Contact List



    Create new folder and create a list

    List name

    Add contacts to list

    Continue without identity resolution

    Manual input

    email, first name and last name


    Search for you survey and be in the survey

    Distributions and Compose email

    Select Contacts

    Select contacts list and search in your library

    list and searching for the list and picking it and select entire contact list

    Compose Email after To: have the email address list

    1. When: you want the invite sent
    2. Subject
    3. Message (DO NOT change the piping for the survey links)
    4. Show Advance Options is an optional setting, however it is essential if you are creating the email 60 days ahead of the send date or need to change the Link Type. If you need folks on the list to enter the survey numerous times or if you're using Listserv, modify link type to Multiple Completes setting. If you use Listserv and forget to alter the setting to Multiple Complete, only one person can take the survey.  Be careful when using Custom expires because the only way to change the date is to create a new invite message with the list and deleting the first invite.

    It's worth noting that the links for the panel will change if you recreate the invite. Furthermore, Qualtrics only allows one email with the same subject and panel every 24 hours. So, if you need to resubmit, modify the subject line slightly.

    If you do not change the settings in survey options>>Anonymize responses to on the survey will record respondents' IP address, location data, and email address is tied to the responds.

    Show the When Options

    Showing Subject and Message

    Showing the Advanced Options that are optional

    Advance Option: Link Type

    Advanced Options: Link Expiration options

    QR code

    Because QR codes use an anonymous link, they cannot send reminders or track respondents identifying information.  When you make modifications to your survey or publish it, the anonymous link does not change. If you do not change the settings in survey options>>Anonymize responses to on the survey will record respondents' IP address, and location data is tied to the responds.

    1. Distributions
    2. QR Code
    3. Download QR Code

    QR Code

    Anonymous Link

    The anonymous link is the link that appears when you publish the survey and is utilized when you use your email.  If you do not change the settings in survey options>>Anonymize responses to on the survey will record respondents' IP address, and location data is tied to the responds.

    KeywordsQualtrics, Compose Email, list, panel, Distributions   Doc ID129342
    OwnerLinda C.GroupNDSU IT Knowledge Base
    Created2023-06-26 14:37:16Updated2024-01-02 08:48:16
    SitesNDSU IT Knowledge Base
    Feedback  0   0