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Guide to Job Submission

An overview of the job submission process on the CCAST HPC cluster.


    This document will provide an overview of the job submission process on the CCAST HPC cluster. The CCAST cluster uses the Portable Batch System (PBS) for job submission, which is a system that allows users to submit jobs to a queue for execution on the cluster, and provides a way to manage and monitor the jobs. This document will cover how to submit a job to the cluster, monitor the job status, and manage the job resources. Finally, we will provide some tips and best practices for job submission on the CCAST cluster.

    Submitting a Job

    The batch system receives requests for resources from users and fulfills those requests by assigning them to available nodes in the cluster. The job submission process involves creating a job script that specifies the resources required for the job, such as the number of nodes, cores, memory, and walltime (real time) needed for the job. The job script also contains the commands that will be executed on the cluster, such as changing directory locations, loading module software, or running commands.

    Simple Example

    First, copy the following example directory to your scratch directory:

    $ cp /mmfs1/projects/ccastest/examples/job_submission $SCRATCH
    $ cd $SCRATCH/job_submission

    The example job script job.pbs is a simple script that prints the hostname of the node that the job is running on, and the number of cores assigned to the job:

    #PBS -N MyFirstJob
    #PBS -q training
    #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=1gb
    #PBS -l walltime=05:00
    #PBS -W group_list=x-ccast-prj-training
    echo "Hello from $HOSTNAME"
    echo "I am running on $NCPUS CPU cores"
    sleep 180
    exit 0

    As can be seen above, this minimal job script specifies the job name, queue, resources, and walltime. These are called PBS directives and are used to specify the job requirements. The #PBS -N MyFirstJob directive specifies the name of the job, the #PBS -q training directive specifies the queue to submit the job to, the #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=1gb directive specifies the number of nodes, cores, and memory required for the job, and the #PBS -l walltime=05:00 directive specifies the walltime (real time) needed for the job. Finally, the #PBS -W group_list=x-ccast-prj-training directive specifies the project group that the job belongs to.

    Then, the job script also changes to the working directory specified by the PBS_O_WORKDIR environment variable, prints the hostname of the node, and the number of CPU cores assigned to the job. The job script then sleeps for 3 minutes before exiting.

    To submit the job to the cluster, use the qsub command:

    $ qsub job.pbs

    The qsub command submits the job script to the cluster, and returns a job ID that can be used to monitor the job status.

    We can then monitor the job status using the qstat command:

    $ qstat -u $USER

    The above command will display the status of all jobs submitted by the user. The output will show the job ID, job name, queue, status, and other information about the job. Alternatively you can use the job ID with the -fx flags to get the most detailed information possible about a job.

    $ qstat -fx <job_id>

    When the job finishes, the standard output will be written to a file with the name job.o<job_id> by default, where <job_id> is the job ID assigned by the batch system. The output file will contain the output of the job script; any output from standard error printed by the job are saved to job.e<job_id>. You can view the output by using the less command:

    $ less job.o<job_id>

    Managing Job Resources

    The job script specifies the resources required for the job, such as the number of nodes, cores, memory, and walltime. It is important to specify the resources accurately to ensure that the job runs efficiently and does not exceed the limits asked for. The resources specified in the job script are used by the batch system to allocate resources to the job, and to enforce resource limits.

    PBS Directives

    The above example is the minimum required to submit a job to the cluster. However, there are many other PBS directives that can be used to specify additional job specifications. The following are some of the most commonly used PBS directives:

    PBS Directives
    Directive Description
    #PBS -N Job name
    #PBS -q Queue name
    #PBS -l select Resources required for the job
    #PBS -l walltime Walltime (real time) required for the job
    #PBS -W group_list Project group that the job belongs to
    #PBS -M Email address to send job status notifications
    #PBS -a Send email notifications when the job is aborted
    #PBS -b Send email notifications when the job begins
    #PBS -e Send email notifications when the job ends

    For more information on PBS directives, refer to the PBS Cheat Sheet and the CCAST User Guide.

    Select Resources

    The resources that can be specified in the job script include:

    PBS Resource Options
    Resource Description
    select Number of nodes required for the job
    ncpus Number of CPU cores required for the job
    mem Amount of memory required for the job
    walltime Walltime (real time) required for the job
    ngpus Number of GPU cores required for the job (requires gpus queue)
    place Placement of the job on the nodes (e.g., scatter or pack)
    glist GPU type required for the job (Thunder Prime has l4, a10, a40, and a100 GPUs)

    Defining the resources accurately is important to ensure that the job runs efficiently: a job that requests more resources than it needs may be delayed in the queue because it is waiting for resources that are not available, while a job that requests fewer resources than it needs may run out of resources and fail, or run slower than expected.

    Best Practices

    The following are some best practices for job submission on the CCAST cluster:

    • Request only the resources you need: Specify the resources required for the job. If you are not sure how many resources you need, start with a small number and increase as needed. Some software, especially using MPI, may even slow down if you request too many resources for the job.
    • Understand the software capabilities: Scientific software ranges from serial single-threaded applications to parallel multi-threaded applications capable of advanced parallelism and hardware acceleration. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the software you are using and what options are available to you to use it efficiently.
    • Run test jobs: Before submitting a large job to the cluster, run a test job to ensure that the job script is correct and that the job runs as expected. This will help you identify any issues with the job script before submitting a large job.
    • Monitor job status: Use the qstat command to monitor the status of your jobs. This will help you keep track of the progress of your jobs and identify any issues that may arise during the job execution. watch qstat -u $USER is a useful command to monitor the status of your jobs in real time.


    How do I cancel a job?

    To cancel a job, use the qdel command followed by the job ID:

    $ qdel <job_id>

    How do I check the status of a job?

    To check the status of a job, use the qstat command followed by the job ID:

    $ qstat -fx <job_id>

    My job is stuck in the queue, what should I do?

    If your job is stuck in the queue, check the status of the job using the qstat command. If the job is waiting for resources, it may be because the resources requested by the job are not available.

    You can check the status of CCAST nodes using the freenodes command. This will show you which nodes are available and which nodes are busy.

    Often, patience is the best course of action. If the job is still stuck after a long time, you can try resubmitting the job with fewer resources.

    My job has an [H] status, what does that mean?

    The [H] status means that the job is on hold. This can happen if:

    • The job has been manually held by the user or the system administrator
    • The job is in the preemptable queue and has been preempted by another job, and is waiting to be rescheduled when resources are available.
    • The job has been held because it has failed to start multiple times

    In the last case, the best course of action is to use

    $ qstat -fx <job_id>

    to get more information about why the job is on hold, and to resubmit failed jobs after debugging what caused the error.

    How do I submit a job to a specific node?

    To submit a job to a specific node, use the #PBS -l directive followed by the node name:

    #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=1gb:host=cmp0001

    This will submit the job to the node named cmp0001.

    How do I run a job on a GPU node?

    All of the following are required to run a job on a GPU node:

    • Use the gpus queue
    • Request the number of GPUs you need with the ngpus directive
    • Optionally, request the type of GPU you need with the glist directive
    • Make sure your software is configured to use the GPUs, and change your job script to use the GPUs as needed

    How do I run a job on a multi-node cluster?

    • Use the select directive to request the number of nodes you need
    • Use a parallel programming model like MPI to distribute the work across the nodes

    How do I run a job that requires a large amount of memory?

    Out of memory errors will produce output like this:

    <job_id> Killed       Cgroup mem limit exceeded

    To avoid out of memory errors:

    • Use the mem directive to request the amount of memory you need
    • For very large jobs, use the bigmem queue
    • Make sure your software is configured to use the memory you requested

    I would like to use an interactive session for debugging, how do I do that?

    To start an interactive session, use the interact command with the number of -c cores, -m memory (in GB), and -g gpus to use:

    $ interact -c 4 -m 1

    This will start an interactive session with 4 cores and 1 GB of memory. You can then run your commands interactively, and exit the session when you are done.

    Error: qsub: Bad GID for job execution

    This error occurs when the job script specifies a group that the user is not a member of. To fix this error, make sure that the group specified by #PBS -W is correct. You can view which groups you are a member of with the groups command.

    Can I run multiple jobs at the same time?

    Yes, you can run multiple jobs at the same time. The batch system will allocate resources to each job based on the resources requested in the job script. If you submit many jobs at once, they will be placed in the queue and run as resources become available. In addition, the PBS fairshare system will ensure that each user gets a fair share of the cluster resources, decreasing priority for users who have used a lot of resources recently. Feel free to submit as many jobs as you need, but be aware that the more jobs you submit, the longer they may take to run.

    How do I get more help?

    If you have any questions or need help with job submission, you can contact the CCAST support team at CCAST Support

    KeywordsCCAST, HPC, Job, Submission, How-to, Tutorial, FAQ   Doc ID137530
    OwnerStephen S.GroupNDSU IT Knowledge Base
    Created2024-05-28 10:01:03Updated2024-07-30 13:51:02
    SitesNDSU IT Knowledge Base
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