Student Course Experience Surveys
Below is an overview of NDSU's Student Course Experience survey (formerly SROI).
Staff in the Office of Teaching & Learning set up and administer the NDSU official Student Course Experience Surveys (SCES). SCEs are offered in each course at NDSU, typically three weeks before finals. SCES are now offered completely online for every course at NDSU.
Offering these course surveys electronically offers many benefits including:
- confidentiality of student responses,
- a dashboard for instructors to review their feedback,
- efficiency in administering the survey and obtaining the final report results.
Getting Started
An official course list is generated automatically and a survey is set up for all courses each semester. Instructors do not have to do anything to initiate a survey for their course.
Best Practices
The Student Course Experience Surveys and the staff who work with them follow best practices of data management and security of responses. Any course that has less than 5 responses will not receive a report. Those responses will be added to the responses received in subsequent offerings of the course until the response count reaches a total of 5. This is particularly important in courses that have lower enrollment and help ensure confidentiality of student responses. This also safeguards an instructor against any claims of biased grading/behavior based on survey results. Furthermore, instructors do not receive the dashboard results until after the grade submission deadline for that semester.
Learn More/How To's
Use Cases
Instructors should use SCES results to evaluate student experiences and consider referencing the results when making modifications to course syllabi and schedules. Instructors also use this data to improve course design, adjust teaching strategies, and document their teaching effectiveness.