Topics Map > Services > Research Computing and Support > Statistical Consulting

Statistical Consulting

The Statistical Consulting Service currently provides assistance to clients at various stages of the research process.


Information Technology Services and the Department of Statistics jointly support the Statistical Consulting Service at North Dakota State University. This service is available to all faculty, staff, and students at North Dakota University System institutions. There is usually no charge to clients. 

Statistical Consulting office is located in Quentin Burdick Building 242M. Consultants are available by appointment (Zoom) or through e-mail. It is recommended that initial contact be made via e-mail to and this will allow follow-up appointments as needed.  

Currently, there are no in-person hours scheduled. Zoom appointments are available from 10 a.m.– 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Statistical Consultant:
Curt Doetkott: QBB 242M, 701-231-7031,

IT Service Center

Intended Audience

  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Students

Using this solution


24/7/365 [*Standard outages]


University-funded: no charge.


Potential clients should have affiliation with an NDUS institution.

Getting Started

Initial contact should be made through e-mail to until further notice.  In person office hours will be limited for the foreseeable future.

Best Practices

Initial e-mails should identify the kind of statistical help you are looking for - this may include a brief description of your research questions and possibly attachments such as relevant papers or data.

Learn More/How To's


Consulting is not intended for class-related questions like homework or tutoring.

Use Cases

The Statistical Consulting service is intended to provide assistance to faculty and graduate students regarding their research and general statistical questions. If you are not sure if the questions you have are appropriate for Stats Consulting, feel free to contact us and we will discuss your needs and whether or not our services may be helpful.

Universal Design/Accessibility

Related resources

Keywordsservice, stats, consult, statistics, consults, stat, data, help   Doc ID103077
OwnerCurt D.GroupNDSU IT Knowledge Base
Created2020-06-16 12:00:12Updated2024-03-01 14:59:47
SitesNDSU IT Knowledge Base
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