Topics Map > Services > Systems and Infrastructure for IT Partners > NDSU Authentication for Your Services (CAS/InCommon)
Web SSO for Integrations
NDSU has several options for integrating internal and external web based system with NDSU login. It is HIGHLY recommended to have all external systems use their Bison Login rather than have the user create another account at the remote system. The only method allowed for integrating remote web systems is via our web SSO systems.
For requests for integration, please contact the Division of IT.
The easiest method to integrate is via InCommon / eduGAIN. We are already releasing a set of values to every service in those federations. So if that solution works, the work on NDSU's side is already done. Your vendor will likely need to know NDSU's entityId which is NDSU is releasing REFEDS R&S, REFEDS MFA, and REFEDS assurance already via InCommon.
If InCommon isn't viable, CAS protocol or SAML 2 protocols via our CAS IdP is also an option. The CAS IdP also provides additional capabilities that the InCommon method currently does not support. The Division of IT can work with your or your vendor to integrate this SSO as necessary.