Records Management - Unit Records Coordinators

The Unit Records Coordinators provide assistance and oversight to faculty, staff and administrators in their units for management and disposal of their records in compliance with federal, state and institutional requirements.

Additional information can be found in The Role and Responsibilities of Unit Records Coordinators.

Current Unit Records Coordinators. You will need to login with your NDUS credentials to view the list. When the PowerBI report opens, please make sure you check "Unit Record Coordinators" in the "Group" drop-down menu at the bottom of your screen.
Please notify the NDSU Records Management Coordinator via e-mail of any changes or additions to the records coordinators for your unit.

For the Record 

“For the Record” is a series of monthly communications that highlight a topic of interest and usefulness to the records management responsibilities of NDSU’s Unit Records Coordinators. 

Suggestions for future “For the Record” topics are welcome and may be sent to

records management, retention, contact, records retention, unit records coo 
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Wendy M. in NDSU IT Knowledge Base
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