Results: 61-80 of 213

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
61Add a Course Materials link to Your Blackboard (Bb) Course1360942024-08-271586
62NDUS Training1208942024-08-272793
63Department SMS Messaging1384102024-08-27134
64Personal SMS Messages1384092024-08-27137
65Mobile Source in an Instrumented Classroom1414352024-08-27136
66AV Technology Group1336562024-08-271901
67pointsolutions Student Getting Started1016692024-08-2218896
68How to Use OMR Service1019322024-08-223128
69Zoom Software Update1223102024-08-222467
70InDesign Quickstart1129732024-08-211854
71Teaching and Learning with Generative AI1382832024-08-21737
72Online Teaching Technology Hub1226202024-08-211926
73Artificial Intelligence1383002024-08-21688
74Supported Software1042172024-08-204345
75Software and Application Training Catalog1133162024-08-193202
76Making Basic Videos Using Smart Devices1048222024-08-192636
77Faculty Professional Development Workshop Catalog997812024-08-198753
78Recorded Sessions & Trainings1044592024-08-199282
79Attendance Strategies1047252024-08-164240
80Instructional Design Center Updates979822024-08-168393
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