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Intro to Blackboard Learn Original

About this Event

Learner: Students

Learning Goal:  By the end of the session, participants will be able to navigate key features in Blackboard Learn Original including assignments submissions, and discussion participation. Participants will also be able to describe how to access course tools such as YuJa, Zoom, and identify the location of different types of course content. This session will help participants become familiar with the use of Blackboard Learn Original capabilities 

Learning Objectives: 

  • Log into Blackboard courses 
  • Navigate Blackboard Learn Original 
  • Submit Assignments  
  • Communicate in Blackboard Learn Original 
  • Access Grades and Feedback  
  • Identify how to participate in a Discussion Thread 
  • Locate Course Tools (Zoom, YuJa, Point Solutions, etc.) 

Keywordsblackboard original, bb original, into to blackboard, intro to bb, bb, blackboard, original, laic, training, software, introduction, workshop   Doc ID138106
OwnerSharley K.GroupIT Knowledge Base
Created2024-06-26 10:08:11Updated2024-07-25 11:35:17
SitesIT Knowledge Base
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