Zoom Phone – How to Use Department Main Shared Line (Call Queue): Core Administration

Departments can administer their main line call queue. This document outlines settings that are important for departments to configure for a new call queue. Note: call queue admins have full administrative access to their call queues and can therefore make changes that seriously impact call queue functionality.


The process to login and access the administrative features for call queues-

  1. Login to the Zoom Web Portal
  2. Navigating to the call queue to change settings:
    1. In the left pane, under ADMIN select Phone System Management then click Call Queues.
    2. The top of the main screen should say Call Queue.
    3. Click on the name of the call queue you would like to administer. All of the processes below pertain to the call queue you select here.


This process allows you to add or remove those who can make and receive calls using the department main line (call queue).

  1. Go to the Profile menu at the top.
  2. From Members section click View or Edit.

  3. To add new members - click Add and select all the users you would like to be members by clicking the checkbox next each name. When you have them all checked click OK.
  4. To remove members - find the name you would like to remove, click the ellipse button and then select Remove.

  5. In the Remove Member window, click the Remove button.

Greeting Prompt

This allows you to have a greeting before the call is routed to members of the call queue. Most call queues do not have this, but it can be used to announce your department, for example, "Thanks for calling xxxxxxxxxx Services, the next available member will be with you shortly." Or some departments use it for special announcement such as "Thanks for calling Financial Aid, please note the FAFSA deadline is Friday. An agent will be with you shortly."

  1. Go to Profile menu.
  2. Navigate to Business Hours section > Greeting Prompt.
  3. By default, there is no prompt so calls ring immediately to each member of the call queue who have enabled it in Line Sharing. This is how many departments use their call queue.

  4. To add a prompt:
    1. Click Edit and select Add Audio.
    2. Most departments use Text to Speech and some Record by Computer.
      1. For Text to Speech, enter an Asset Name, its typical to name it the same as the call queue appended by "Greeting Prompt". For example, "ITS Call Queue Greeting Prompt".
        1. Category is CQ/AR Greeting Prompt.
        2. Add what you want spoken for the prompt in Message to play field.
          • Once text is entered you can click the Play link in the bottom left of the box to listen.
        3. Visibility - typically this is Personal Audios.
        4. Click Add when complete.

      2. For Record by Computer, enter an Asset Name, its typical to name it the same as the call queue appended by "Greeting Prompt". For example, "ITS Call Queue Greeting Prompt".
        1. Category is CQ/AR Greeting Prompt.
        2. Click record button to record and the stop button to end. (Note: you may need to grant access to the browser to use your computer's mic.)
        3. Can play the recording to see if its to your liking. If its not, click Record Again.
        4. Visibility - typically this is Personal Audios.
        5. Click Add when complete.

Receive calls while on a call

If everyone is on a call in the call queue then when the next call comes in, do you want it to ring the team (someone puts an active call on-hold to take a second), or send the call to voicemail? Most departments send the call to voicemail.

In Business Hours section, verify Receive calls while on a call is turned off.

Max wait time

How long do you want to ring members before a call goes to voicemail? If everyone is away from their computer, how long will the call queue try ringing everyone before it goes to the call queue's voicemail?

  1. This is typically 20 seconds; 4 to 5 seconds is equivalent to one ring
  2. In Business Hours section verify Max Wait Time:

Max calls in queue

If every member is currently on a call, how many calls would you like to stay in the queue waiting for a member to become available? When this number is reached, the next caller is sent to the call queue voicemail. Most departments set this to 1.

  1. In Business Hours section Max Call in Queue:
  2. If you want to change this, click the Edit button, change number of calls, and then press Confirm button. 


This is where calls go when hitting the thresholds in Receive calls while on a call, Max wait time, or Max calls in queue described above. Please consult your telephone administrator and IT VCS before changing this to anything other than Voicemail.

KeywordsZoom , Phone, Call, queue, call queue, queue groups, shared line, department, membership,   Doc ID133633
OwnerSharley K.GroupIT Knowledge Base
Created2023-12-18 13:24:11Updated2023-12-19 16:26:19
SitesIT Knowledge Base
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