Qualtrics - Weekly email limits

Even though the settings suggest unlimited, there is a weekly email limit campus-wide.

    Weekly email limit campus-wide

    The weekly for the whole campus is 300,000 emails in a rolling 7-day cycle.  Every email you've ever sent. All email types are included, including reminders, invites, general emails, and thank you emails. 

    Why is there a weekly email limit?

    Qualtrics is concerned that the emails will be tagged as spam or blacklist.

    If we need to increase limit due to a large project.

    Create a support ticket with the following information:

      • The email limit being requested
      • A descriptions of the project(s).
      • A general description of who is being surveyed (student body, small business owners in MN/ND, purchased panel, etc.)
      • How long the limit must be in place (once or several times per year).

    Keywords"outgoing email limit", Qualtrics, limit   Doc ID129873
    OwnerLinda C.GroupIT Knowledge Base
    Created2023-07-20 13:27:52Updated2023-07-20 15:41:57
    SitesIT Knowledge Base
    Feedback  0   0