Qualtrics - How do I fix the Application Not Authorized to Use CAS error?

You might have uploaded files access marked only users with permission to view response. I've seen the survey owners receive this alert, and if you change the setting to Anyone with the link to the file, will fix the error.

    Application Not Authorized to Use CAS error

    Application not Authorized to use CAS error

    Fixing the Application Not Authorized to Use CAS error

    1. Survey options
    2. Security
    3. Uploaded file access
      1. Anyone with the link to the file
    4. Publish

    survey options, Security, and Anyone with the link to the file

    KeywordsQualtrics, "Application Not Authorized to Use CAS error", CAS   Doc ID129846
    OwnerLinda C.GroupIT Knowledge Base
    Created2023-07-19 14:09:41Updated2023-07-20 07:26:17
    SitesIT Knowledge Base
    Feedback  0   0