Qualtrics - Tips For Dealing With Spam

Spam can occur within hours after posting your Survey on Facebook or to a website. Here are some tips to avoid it.

    Security Settings in Survey Options To Help With Fraud/Spam

    Prevent Multiple Submissions

    1. Go to Survey Options
    2. Click on Security
    3. Toggle the Prevent multiple submissions option to on.

    showing where to find survey options, security, Prevent multiple submissions

    Bot Detection

    1. Go to Survey Options
    2. Click on Security
    3. Toggle the Bot detection option to on.

    For this to work on the survey, the survey must be open on the respondent's browser for a few seconds in order to record the score; otherwise, the survey will not record a score.

    showing where to find survey options, Security, Bot detection

    Prevent Indexing

    1. Go to Survey Options
    2. Click on Security
    3. Toggle the Prevent indexing option to on.

    Survey options, Security, Prevent indexing

    Add a Captcha Verification Question

    Captcha Verification is one way to ensure that only humans are trying to take the survey. These are often a box of numbers and letters you need to retype or a photo with multiple parts you need to click on. To add a Captcha Verification create a question and select the Captcha Verification question type. You can place this question at the beginning or end of your survey. 

    showing Captcha verification question

    KeywordsQualtrics, Spam, Facebook, Fraud   Doc ID129665
    OwnerLinda C.GroupIT Knowledge Base
    Created2023-07-11 13:06:49Updated2024-08-09 15:31:19
    SitesIT Knowledge Base
    Feedback  0   0