Qualtrics - Results or reports just seems to spin

Do the results/reports just keep spinning or Just appears to be stuck?

    Results/Reports results taking while

    Go to Data & Analysis to see what percentage the data been downloaded because the reports will not downloaded until about 99%. The reports can take while.

    Force a reindex the data

    1. Survey flow
    2. add a new element here
    3. Emdedded Data
    4. Type Reindex where it says Create New Field or Choose From Dropdown...
    5. Apply

    Showing where the survey flow is

    showing where Add a New Element Here

    Showing where Embedded Data is

    Naming the Embedded Data Reindex

    Shows where the apply button

    Go back to Data & Analysis Reload the page when the download percentage reaches 99%, your report will begin to load.

    KeywordsResults, reports, data & analysis, Qualtrics   Doc ID129658
    OwnerLinda C.GroupIT Knowledge Base
    Created2023-07-11 10:47:34Updated2023-07-11 12:59:16
    SitesIT Knowledge Base
    Feedback  0   0