Qualtrics - How To Collaborate With Other Users

Advice on why the collaboration does not see the survey as well as instructions on how to build a collaboration.


    Open your survey, then follow these instructions.

    1. Tools
    2. Collaborate
    3. You can search by typing a name or using the User and Group Address Book (you will have to use the search feature here also)
    4. Click on the person's name in the list
    5. Add Selected
    6. Custom Message (Optional) but you need to click on Invite
    7. Check the rights options you would like them to have
    8. Save

    showing Collaborate with the survey open

    Showing search for a name

    showing the name in search bar and need to click on Add Selected

    Custom Message and the invite button

    giving rights to the user

    Collaborate From The Projects List Page

    1. Click on the three dots to the right of the survey
    2. Collaborate
    3. You can search by typing a name or using the User and Group Address Book (you will have to use the search feature here also)
    4. Click on the person's name in the list
    5. Add Selected
    6. Custom Message (Optional) but you need to click on Invite
    7. Check the rights options you would like them to have
    8. Save

    Collaborate with the three dots to the right of the survey name

    Searching for the name click on the name and add selected

    Custom Message and Invite button

    Setting the rights and save

      The Person I Want To Collaborate With Cannot See The Survey I Shared

      Check to make sure that you saved the collaboration and that they have an NDSU Qualtrics account. If the person is outside of NDSU, check to see if you used their full email address. If it is not a full email address then check with that person to make sure they have the  rights to collaborate outside of their campus/university/company. Be sure the individual has a Qualtrics account before you share with them.

      If an NDSU user has a Qualtrics account, you will see #ndstate following their name, when you start typing their name in the search feature. You have to wait to share the survey until they have an account. If you don't see #ndstate after their name, it means they do not have an NDSU Qualtrics account. If necessary, contact that individual to have them set up their NDSU Qualtrics account.

      Qualtrics, Collaboration, sharing, Collaborate 
      Doc ID:
      Owned by:
      Linda C. in NDSU IT Knowledge Base
      NDSU IT Knowledge Base