Qualtrics - Save and Continue/Incomplete Survey Responses

The Save and Continue option is enabled by default. This means that if someone begins the survey and progresses past the first page, they can close the survey and begin again. If your survey is simply one page, the Save and Continue will not save any data because survey taker did not proceed past the first page.

    Save and Continue/Incomplete Survey Responses

    Unless you indicate it on your consent page, the survey taker does not receive notifications that their information is being saved.  The week setting is the default, but you can modify it under Survey Options >> Responses >> Incomplete survey responses.

    If you deliver the survey through email, the survey taker must complete the survey on the same device they began with. 

    If you send the survey via Qualtrics panel without a listserv list, they may begin on one device and end on another.

    The data will not appear on your report until the survey is completed or the time limit for incomplete responses is reached (the default is a week).  If the user does not return to complete the survey within the time limit, the information they provided will be moved to recorded responses in Data & Analysis.  The data is sitting in responses in progress in Data & Analysis till the default time.

    Shows where to find Survey Options >> Responses >> Incomplete survey responses

    Showing how to find responses in progress

    Best practice using Save and Continue

    I just found out that we should be setting the incomplete survey responses to go past the survey deadline. I normally left it at the default of 1 week but I had to contact the support yesterday about survey giving a person a error message saying that the expired or they already took the survey. They believe it was because of this setting. To change the setting go to Survey Options >> Responses >> How much time should pass before they're considered incomplete.

    KeywordsSave and Continue, Qualtrics, Incomplete Responses   Doc ID129255
    OwnerLinda C.GroupIT Knowledge Base
    Created2023-06-22 06:37:40Updated2024-01-02 06:24:35
    SitesIT Knowledge Base
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