Qualtrics – How can I build a quiz, send the user a certificate when they pass, and have them retake till they pass all without revealing any personal information?

We will include a block for the certificate and another that will redirect them back to the quiz. We will build up Scoring, embedded data called score, and couple branching in the survey flow to put the blocks into.


    Create your Quiz using Qualtrics like you would normally do in Qualtrics using Multiple choice and Matrix, etc. 

    1. Survey Option
    2. Scoring

    Showing where Survey Option and Scoring

    The right answer is scored in the scoring screen by choosing the choice and assigning points.  With the points to the left, the score selection will turn green.

    showing scoring choices

    To make sure that the correct answers are not shown

    1. Category: Score down arrow
    2.  Manage Categories
      1. Make sure the choices are not checked At the End of the Survey and After Each Question
    3. Save

    or Use the Scoring Options

    Score Manage Categories

    Show Scoring Summary for Category


    Showing where the to find Scoring

    Survey Flow

    1. + Add a New Element Here
    2. Embedded Data
    3. Click in the Field and Type out Score
    4. Click Set a Value Now
    5. Find The Pipe Text Scoring
      1. Click Score
      2. Click Score
    6. Apply

    Add a New Element Here

    Embedded Data

    Create New Field or Choose From Dropdown

    Custom Value

    Creating Blocks to download the certificate and Creating a block for retake the Quiz

    Create a block for the certificate by itself using the question type Text /Graphic.  If you have the certificate in a pdf then you could have them click on the link to download and print.  To get the link you would upload the PDF into Qualtrics.

    1. Click Rich Content Editor tab
    2. More
    3. Page with the corner turn down
    4. Upload a New File

    Rich Content Editor


    page with corner turn down

    Upload a New File

    Create a block for the redirect back to the quiz using the Question type Text/Graphic.

    Adding conditions for showing the block of the certificate

    1. Survey Flow
    2. Add A New Element Here
    3. Branch
    4. Add a Condition
    5. Question down arrow change that to Embedded Data type score (need to make sure it exact because it is cap sensitive decide it the condition like is greater than or Equal to and fill out the blank with a number.
    6. Move the Block for Passing down within the branch

    Showing Survey options and where to add new element


    Add a Condition

    Embedded Data

    Embedded Data condition setup

    Final look at the branch

    Branch final look

    Adding conditions for showing the block of the retake quiz

    1. Survey Flow
    2. Add A New Element Here
    3. Branch
    4. Add a Condition
    5. Question down arrow change that to Embedded Data type score (need to make sure it exact because it is cap sensitive decide it the condition like is less than and fill out the blank with a number.
    6. Move the Block for retake quiz down within the branch
    7. Add a New Element Here
    8. End of Survey
      1. Customize
      2. Check Override Survey Options
        1. Redirect to a URL (get the URL from Distributions)
        2. When pasting make sure that you delete everything before pasting the URL

    End of Survey

    Customize End of Survey

    KeywordsScoring, branching, embedded data, quiz, Qualtrics, certificate   Doc ID129253
    OwnerLinda C.GroupNDSU IT Knowledge Base
    Created2023-06-21 20:38:21Updated2024-01-02 08:21:12
    SitesNDSU IT Knowledge Base
    Feedback  1   0