Qualtrics - Recode Values

What exactly are recode values? How do you go about recoding values? Can we recode after we received the results? Is there a key that will allow me to see all of the codes?

    Recode Values

    The means would be incorrect if you began the choices with Strongly Agree vs Strongly Disagree because the default is the first choice, which begins with 1 and increases as you make more choices. If you currently have selections and then add more or delete them, the values will be out of order.

    Yes, you can still recode the values without causing any harm to your data.  You can print the survey into Word, which will display the values in () beside each choice. 

    1. Check the question to make edits
    2. look to the left and scroll down to find Recode values
      1. check the Recode Values
      2. give the choices the values you want

    showing where to find recode values

    showing the steps to set the values

    To create key for the Values

    1. Tools
    2. Import/Export
    3. Export to Word

    The values will be beside the choices in ( ).

    steps to create a key

    Keywordsrecode values, code, key   Doc ID128271
    OwnerLinda C.GroupIT Knowledge Base
    Created2023-05-12 13:09:12Updated2023-12-01 06:42:18
    SitesIT Knowledge Base
    Feedback  0   0