VoiceThread-Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Common questions and answers are listed in this VoiceThread FAQ article. We continue to update as we find additional questions and answers.

The following is a listing of the VoiceThread frequently asked questions (FAQs) we have received over the past year with answers and references to knowledge base articles for more information.

VoiceThread FAQs for Instructors

    1.  How do I create a VoiceThread in Blackboard Learn Original?

  • From the course Content area, click on 'Tools' at the top of your screen
  • Click on 'More Tools' to select 'VoiceThread-NDSU' in the drop-down list
  • On the new window, provide a 'Link Name' and a description (include attachments using the Text Editor)
  • Scrolling down provides other options like whether the VoiceThread will be available to students, whether you want to track the number of views, and whether you want the VoiceThread to only be accessible for a certain period of time.
  • Click on Submit.

To learn more about how to create a VoiceThread, watch this video. 

    2.  How do I edit a VoiceThread?

 To edit a VoiceThread, read this article.

    3.  How do I record comments on the VoiceThread?

         Watch this video to learn about commenting.

    4.  How do I create an assignment in Blackboard Learn Original?

  • From the course Content area, click on 'Build Content' at the top of your screen
  • Under Create, select 'VoiceThread-NDSU' in the drop-down list.
  • On your VoiceThread page type a name, and a description, and/or attach a file if you want to.
  • Under the 'Grading' tab when building the VoiceThread, make sure to Yes for Enable Evaluation and to set the points for the assignment.
  • Click on your new VoiceThread assignment
  • From there, select 'Assignment Builder' when prompted to choose an activity type.
  • From here you can choose which of the 3 assignment types you would like to add, Create, Comment or Watch, or you can recreate an old assignment.
  • Select one of these choices and hit 'Continue' at the bottom of the screen.
  • Add in the desired settings and publish your assignment.

Watch these videos to learn more about Setting up Create Assignments, Setting up Comment Assignments and Setting up Watch Assignments in VoiceThread.  

     5.  How do I share the VoiceThread with my course?

 For details, please watch this video and read the Sharing help articles.

VoiceThread FAQs for Students

     1.  How to submit a Watch VoiceThread assignment?

  • Go to your Blackboard Learn Original course > Select the assignment
  • This will take you to the VoiceThread NDSU. Select Start assignment.

 To learn about how to submit a watch assignment, please watch the video.


     2.  How to submit a Create VoiceThread assignment?

  • Go to your Blackboard Learn Original course > Select the assignment
  • This will take you to the VoiceThread NDSU. Select start assignment.

Please watch this video about Submitting a Create Assignment.


     3.  How to submit a Comment VoiceThread assignment?

  • Go to your Blackboard Learn Original course > Select the assignment
  • This will take you to the VoiceThread NDSU. Select start assignment.

To learn more about Comment VoiceThread assignments, please watch the video.




KeywordsVT, VoiceThread NDSU, Voice, Thread, Video, quiz, assignment, watch assignment, comment   Doc ID124700
OwnerSharley K.GroupIT Knowledge Base
Created2023-03-09 14:26:51Updated2024-06-21 07:42:57
SitesIT Knowledge Base
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