How to download Yuja videos as .MP4 files for offline storage?

Download and store YuJa recordings offline as .MP4 files to use for multiple purposes or to retain them beyond the established YuJa storage retention period.

Store your YuJa recordings offline as .MP4 files. The .MP4 files can be moved from your default downloads folder to another local or cloud storage location outside of YuJa at any time after downloading them.

  1. Log in to Blackboard Original > open any course
  2. Go to Tools > YuJa – NDSU to open your YuJa Media Library
  3. Click on the video(s) to download (Windows: Ctrl+click - or - Macintosh: Cmd+click each to select multiple videos)
  4. Click . . . More Actions > Download OR Bulk Download

    The media library page > more actions > bulk download highlighted

  5. Select Single Files in Choose Download Options:
  6. Check the box to the left of the column headings to select All
  7. Click Request Media

    The downloads options

  8. Once the media is available to download, you'll receive an email with a link to download the media files
  9. Click Close > check your email Inbox
  10. Open the email message from “YuJa Enterprise Video Platform”
  11. Click on each link in the email message
  12. The .MP4 file is saved to your browser’s default Downloads folder, or you may be prompted to Save or Open the file (depends on the browser settings)
  13. Repeat for each video download requested

Note: The links sent through email expire 24 hours after they are sent.

KeywordsYuJa, Download, Videos, .MP4 Files, Offline, Storage, offline storage   Doc ID118756
OwnerSharley K.GroupNDSU IT Knowledge Base
Created2022-05-31 14:20:08Updated2024-07-29 16:21:47
SitesNDSU IT Knowledge Base
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