Grouper - Download list of group's members

Grouper allows you to download the list of people who are a member of a group you own
  1. Navigate to the group
  2. Click the Group actions button
  3. Choose Export members from the selection menu (found in the "Manage" category)
  4. Choose What data would you like to export?
    1. Only members IDs to just get the usernames for members
    2. All member data to get all fields, including username, NID (numeric ID), Emplid, EPUID (Edu Person Unique ID), First name, and Last name (see descriptions below).
      Be careful with this file, as it contains sensitive information. Delete the file when you are done and do not share its contents with others.
  5. Click Export to download the file
    Note: Large groups may take a while to complete the file. Don't reload the page, just wait for the file to complete generating

Fields in "All member data" download

The file that you'll get back has heading fields sourceId,screenLabel,entityId,name,description,emplid,epuid,eppn,first_name,last_name,success,errorMessage. The meaning of these fields is:

  • sourceId - internal
  • screenLabel - contains username
  • entityId - numeric ID / NID
  • name - Individual's full name
  • description - contains username
  • emplid - Individual's emplid
  • epuid - eduPerson Unique ID
  • eppn - eduPerson Principal Name, similar to NDSU email address
  • first_name - Individual's first name
  • last_name - Individual's last name
  • success - internal
  • errorMessage - internal

See Also

Keywordsgrouper, member, bulk, download, account, info   Doc ID110099
OwnerRichard F.GroupNDSU IT Knowledge Base
Created2021-04-05 15:16:31Updated2023-05-04 12:18:49
SitesNDSU IT Knowledge Base
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