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Advanced Research Computing Training Program

FREE training workshops offered by CCAST/NDSU. Pre-registration is required!

The CCAST Advanced Research Computing Training Program is offering a free workshop to introduce faculty, staff, and students to High-Performance Computing (HPC) resources available at NDSU. The program aims to provide researchers with basic knowledge and hands-on skills that will help them make the best use of local and national HPC facilities to advance their research capabilities.

For Spring 2024, CCAST will be offering a single workshop – "Introduction to High Performance Computing (HPC) on CCAST" – which will cover the following topics:

  • Introduction to HPC
  • Anatomy of a supercomputer
  • Logging into CCAST HPC clusters
  • Interacting with a text-based terminal
  • Basic Linux/UNIX commands
  • Finding available scientific software
  • Submitting jobs to run on HPC clusters
  • Getting help

This workshop will be offered both in person and virtually on the following dates/times:

  • 8:00-10:00 AM, Wed, Feb 28, AG HILL 240 (in person only)
  • 1:00-3:00 PM, Wed, Feb 28, AG HILL 240 (in person only)
  • 1:00-3:00 PM, Fri, Mar 1, Virtual via Zoom

In person attendance is highly recommended. For those who cannot attend any of the sessions, a recording will be available.

Registration is open to all members of the NDSU community, as well as members of certain other universities in North Dakota and Minnesota.

Register HERE

CCAST provides advanced research computing resources, training, and consulting to faculty, students, and staff at NDSU and beyond. The research we enable spans a broad range of disciplines, including science, engineering, agriculture, public health, business, finance, etc.