Zoom - Allowing Participants to Screen Share During Zoom Meetings

There are many options available allowing participants to share their screens during a Zoom meeting. Hosts should determine which option is best for their meeting based on the authentication of the users. If you are unsure which scenario applies to your meeting, contact the Help Desk for support.

Scenario 1: The meeting is a large presentation or class involving many users. If your meeting involves unauthenticated or external users, use this scenario.

Assign co-host permission during a live meeting.

  1. Start meeting
  2. Once all participants are in the meetings
  3. At the bottom of the screen, click on the Participants icon or Press ALT+U show the meeting's participant list.
    Participants Icon
  4. Within the participants menu, hover over the right side of your potential co-host's name, click "More" and Select "Make Co-Host."

Scenario 2: All users participating in the meeting are known and trusted. Useful for small departmental meetings or meetings with authenticated users.

Option 1: During Live Meeting

Assign sharing permission to participants during a live meeting.

  1. Start meeting
  2. Once all participants are in the meetings
  3. At the bottom of the screen click on the arrow next to Share Screen and select Advanced Sharing Options …Advanced Sharing
  4. Under Who can share?, select All Participants.

Advanced share - all participants image 

Option 2: Prior to Meeting


Adjust default setting prior to the meeting allowing all participants to share screens.

  1. Log into the NDSU.Zoom.us portal
  2. Click on Settings
  3. Scroll down to In Meeting (Basic)
  4. Find the Screen sharing section and select allow All Participants to share screens

Screen sharing image

Option 3. Security Options in Meeting

  1. Click on the Host Tools button on the bottom screen toolbar
  2. Select the option to Allow Participants to: Share Screen

See Also

Zoom, share screen, advanced sharing, participant sharing 
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Lori S. in NDSU IT Knowledge Base
NDSU IT Knowledge Base