Equipment Checkout Policy

Policies regarding equipment checkout at the IT Service Center.

Reservation Policies

  • Check out equipment is intended for educational use only to aid in projects, presentations and the delivery of academic material.
  • The equipment is meant for occasional use only
  • Reservations are limited to max reservation time of 72 hours (3 days)
  • User are able to reserve multiple pieces of equipment at a time but are limited to one type of equipment at a time (i.e. one laptop and one camera)
    • Please call (701-231-8685) or email the IT Service Center if you need an exception to these limits
    • Instructor approval is needed for exceptions to these limits
  • Users must present a valid NDSU ID card at the time of equipment checkout
  • If your reserved equipment is not available at your reservation time, a replacement will be provided if available
  • Reserved equipment will only be checked out to the user whose name appears on the reservation unless arrangements are made with the IT Service Center in advance
  • Users verify they agree to the terms and conditions, including the late fee policy, of the reservation when verifying their password when creating the reservation
  • Equipment and accessories (memory cards, cables, etc) must be returned in the same cosmetic and functional state that it was in when checked out
  • Equipment must be returned at the same location it was checked out unless stated otherwise
  • Equipment is meant for occasional use only - not for continuous use throughout the semester

Late, Damaged or Missing Equipment Policies

Late Equipment

  • Equipment that is returned after the scheduled return time is considered late. Late equipment is subject to late fees and possible loss of equipment checkout privileges
  • Late fees start to incur one hour after the scheduled return time with an initial charge of $5 after the first hour and $0.5 for each additional hour. This includes both operational and non-operational hours of the IT Service Center
  • Fees for late or damaged equipment will be billed directly to the campus account of the customer (student, staff, or faculty) whose name appears on the reservation. Late fees can only be paid at NDSU One Stop. Fees cannot be paid at the IT Service Center
  • Late fees will be charged for up to two weeks from the original due date, at which time either the full or estimated replacement cost for the equipment will be charged to the customer
  • Late fees which are not paid after 60 days will result in checkout privileges being revoked until paid. There may be a delay in restoration of checkout privileges once the fees are paid

Damaged or Missing Equipment and Accessories

  • The customer is responsible for equipment that is returned damaged, as well as for missing parts or accessories that were not noted at the time of checkout. The costs associated with repair or replacement will be billed to the customer's campus account 

Further Penalties

  • The IT Service Center reserves the right to ban users from checking out equipment. Reasons for a ban may include but are not limited to excessive reservations, excessive late returns, returning equipment in a condition that is unsuitable for immediate use (damage, missing accessories, odors, etc), or failure to return equipment

Keywordspolicy   Doc ID96677
OwnerNDSU Help DeskGroupNDSU IT Knowledge Base
Created2019-12-16 17:44:57Updated2024-10-02 10:50:31
SitesNDSU IT Knowledge Base
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