Qualtrics - How Do I Create Questions To Confirm An Email Address?

An explanation of how to create email confirmation questions.
    • Confirm An Email Address

      You will need to setup two questions: 

      One question will ask for the email address and add validation as email.

      1. Create question
      2. Make the question a required field
      3. Add validation
      4. Click the down arrow on Minimum length
      5. Select content type
      6. Email address

      showing question and add validation and minimum length

      Content type

      Email address

    The second question will be a validation custom type. To get the custom validation you will need to pipe the information from the email question (first question you setup). Copy the piping information into the confirm email address question. (second question you setup)

    1. Create the second question: Please confirm the email address
      • Make it required
    2. Go back to question asking for the email address (first question you setup)
    3. Check the box and click Piped text tab
    4. Pick Survey Question 
    5. Find the Question that is asking for an email
    6. Click Email address
    7. Copy the piping information - It should look like this ${q://QID18/ChoiceTextEntryValue
    8. Check the second question where you are asking to confirm the email address
    9. Add a validation
    10. Choose Custom
    11. Pick the question for "Confirm the email address"
    12. Pick the choice "Please confirm the email address"
    13. Pick "Is Equal to"
    14. Paste the piping information
    15. It is optional to check the "Ignore Case"
    16. Load an "email does not match" error message
    17. Save

    Showing the second question asking to confirm email address

    piped text, survey question, email address, email address on the first question

    second question adding validation, custom

    custom validation picking the question to and choice

    custom Validation copying the piped information and clicking on Ignore Case, and load a saved message

    After you have copied the custom validation piping, remember to delete the piping information in the first question as seen in the screenshot above. 


    KeywordsQualtrics, confirm, email, piping, validation you your   Doc ID129780
    OwnerLinda C.GroupNDSU IT Knowledge Base
    Created2023-07-17 14:22:42Updated2024-07-12 15:12:01
    SitesNDSU IT Knowledge Base
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