Qualtrics - How to Reverse The Order Of Answer Choices Without Rekeying or Moving

Reverse the order of the options with just three clicks.

    Reverse The Order of Answer Choices 

    1. Check the box next to the question
    2. Turn on "Use suggested choices"
    3. Check the box titled, "Reverse order"

    showing checked question and Use suggested choices, Reverse order

    When you reverse the order, make sure to check the value of the options.

    1. Check the question
    2. Recode values
    3. Check recode values

    checking Recode Values

    Remember that the default first choice is value is 1 and the next choice would be 2. If you are listing a positive choice with the first example being "Strongly Agree."  In order for the means to be accurate, you would then adjust the value to 5 and work your numbering down to 1 or 0.

    Qualtrics, Choices, Use suggested choices, reverse choices 
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    Linda C. in NDSU IT Knowledge Base
    NDSU IT Knowledge Base