Qualtrics - Set Survey Availability
You have two survey availability options: leave the survey open to collect responses or Set specific start and expiration dates. If you use an expiration date and want your survey to close at midnight, I recommend using 11:59 p.m. to ensure the time is precise.
Setting Set Specific Start and Expiration Dates
- Go to Survey options
- Select Responses
- Look for Survey availability and choose Set specific start and expiration dates
- Click Edit Survey availability
- Start date (default is the date of creation)
- Start time (default I believe it is 12:00 AM)
- Expiration date pick a date on the calendar
- Expiration time (default is every 15 mins setup) but you can type a different time using the same format with AM in caps
- Click Save
You can use the default messages for Expired survey message and Inactive survey message or you can create a custom messages for them. They immediately follow the Edit survey availability.