AVAYA Workplace App (Soft Phone App)

Avaya Workplace is a soft phone application that emulates your University telephone extension on your Windows, Mac, iOS and Android devices. This allows you to answer calls and originate calls.


Avaya Workplace is a soft phone application that emulates your University telephone extension on your Windows, Mac, iOS and Android devices.  This allows you to answer calls and originate calls.

  • For Mobile devices originating calls the calling party sees your University telephone number rather than your Mobile Device number

AVAYA Workplace reduces cell phone (mobile) minutes usage when used over WiFi and provides convenient mobile access to your University telephone.

How to get it – telephone administrators must order on the online requisition form.   The app will not function until it has been enabled by VCS staff.  The online requisition form needs to include the following information:

  • For a mobile device, indicate the name of the user, the NDSU phone number, the cellphone number and email address.
  • For a computer, indicate the name of the user, the NDSU phone number, email address and the computer number.  When installing this on a computer a software location program called Gatekeeper will also be installed.  When using the desktop application, the user will need to maintain the correct location they are at in the Gatekeeper program.

NDSU softphone applications should not be used to call emergency services (911):

  • Providing accurate 911 location information can be affected by many factors including, but not limited to, power outages, device or operating system malfunctions, data network or equipment malfunctions/outages, telephone system malfunctions/outages, as well as other unforeseen issues.
  • Softphone applications utilize a variety of underlying or dependent technologies to provided 911 location information, each having different capabilities and limitations.  Some of these may require settings to be continually and accurately maintained in the application by the end user.
  • Installation of softphone applications on personally owned devices may introduce unanticipated conditions that could affect the application’s ability to function, send 911 location information, etc.

To Install The Phone App On A Computer

AVAYA Workplace Installation For Individuals With NDSU Managed Computers.

AVAYA Workplace Installation Instructions For Individual Users With Non-NDSU Managed Computers

AVAYA Workplace Installation Instructions for Individuals with NDSU Managed MAC Computers

AVAYA Workplace Installation Instructions for Individuals with Non-NDSU Managed MAC Computers

Getting started

Verify that you are logged-in indicated by the Presence-active check-mark in the Person Icon.  The system defaults to automatic login when you launch it.  icon 

To change this, you go to the Accounts form and depending on your display, select either the Options & Settings (gear icon) or the Menu icon followed by the tools/gear and select Accounts followed by turning-off Remember Password.  


This same process is used to get to the Accounts form for Signing-out; or you can touch the Person Icon and select Sign Out.


Learn More/How To's

AVAYA Workplace conferencing/transferring

AVAYA Workplace call on hold

Keywordsavaya workplace, software, app, telephone, phone app   Doc ID129525
OwnerGrace D.GroupNDSU IT Knowledge Base
Created2023-07-05 16:58:56Updated2023-07-06 16:21:16
SitesNDSU IT Knowledge Base
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