Student Department / College LISTSERV Term Management
Note: The majority of listserv management is done through The below processes only apply if you have worked with IT to create a LISTSERV in Grouper that automatically populates with your students.
You will also need to be included in the Owner group for that LISTSERV in Grouper.
This process uses the NDSU term codes to determine which terms are currently populating the list. Document Imaging project has a term cheat sheet for use. As a general rule of thumb, the last two digits of the code will be 10 for Fall Semester, 30 for Spring, and 40 for Summer.
All of your plans (and optionally years in school) are processed for each term listed. The system automatically removes duplicates. Please include all of the terms you want, and remove terms when you no longer want them. Grouper admins WILL remove data for historic terms (so don’t expect the previous fall term to appear in April). However, data from spring semesters will be kept until after the last day to add classes online in the next fall semester. This will let you bridge your lists through the summer and into the start of fall.
To make changes to the terms:
Find the systemOfRecord group for the LISTSERV you want to change in Grouper. It will be in the Membership folder.
Once in the systemOfRecord group, click on the "Group actions" dropdown menu and choose "Attribute assignments" from the “Administration” category.
From there, only edit the values in the row labeled "term" (under “Attribute name”).
If you want to remove an existing value, click the down arrow next to the term you want to remove and click "Delete the attribute assignment value".
If you want to edit a value, click the down arrow next to the term you want to remove and click "Edit the attribute assignment value".
To add a new term, click on "Actions" at the end of the row and choose "Add value". Put in the term code that you want to add in the "Value to add" field.
- LISTSERV group membership changes in Grouper are pushed to each corresponding listserv once a day, at 6:45 pm. In other words, if a new term is added in Grouper during normal business hours, updated memberships will appear in its listserv by the next morning.
To add or remove listserv members from auto-populating listservs:
- Listserv addition/removal is done by adding members to the Add or Remove group. These groups can be found in the Membership folder:
- To add a member:
- Go to the Add group, and choose "Add Members."
- In the "Member name or ID" field, type the name of the person you'd like to add. You should see a spinning wheel followed by a menu of potential choices. Choose the person you'd like to add from the choices given. Optionally, include a start and end date, and click "Add."
- To remove a member, you should add a member to the Remove group, using the same process outlined in step 2.
- To view the full listserv membership group, with additions and removals, go to the Final Membership group in the Membership folder.