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IT Communications Liaisons - Members

Below is a list of members of the IT Communications Liaisons group.

The IT Communication Liaisons members are appointed by their home departments to serve as conduits for information and feedback regarding campus information technology. The group meets monthly to learn about and discuss a variety of technology plans, projects and issues.

Last updated: July 29, 2023

IT Communication Liaisons Group Membership
First Name Last Name Department
Ademola Amida Information Technology
Ryan Anderson CCAST
Vince Anderson Information Technology
Mary Asheim Student Life
Ben Austinson Graduate School and Center for Writers
Diane Axness Management & Marketing
Mitch Axness Library
Darla Bakko Plant Sciences
Tiffany Bendickson Counseling Center
Ben  Bernard Architecture & Landscape Architecture
Joel Beseler-Thompson Student Affairs & Enrollment Management
Kelly  Bisek Student Loan Collection Center
Tamara Blanich Student Success Programs
Jason Blosser Information Technology Services
Pawel Borowicz AES Animal Science
Kyle Bosch College of Engineering
Neil Brock Information Technology Services
Tracy Brown Facilities
Kim Bruemmer Memorial Union
Zachary Carlson Animal Sciences
Grant Christian Northern Crops Institute
Eric Christianson College of Engineering
Kali Christianson Agribusiness and Applied Economics
Chad Coleman ITS
Mark Coppin Disability Services
Peggy  Cossette  Human Development & Education 
Katy Cox Computer Science
Monica Stensland Agriculture Communication
Tammy Cummings Information Technology Services
Jana Daeuber Ag & Biosystems Engineering
Linda Dahlsad Institutional Research & Analysis
LaDonna DeGeldere President's Office
Sandi Dewald Central Grasslands Research Extension Center
Cassie Dick Hettinger Research Extension Center
Jordan DiPalma Student Activities Office
Jennifer Dragseth North Dakota Forest Service
Nick Dusek Center for Computationally Assisted Science and Technology
Daniel Erichsen ITS
Melissa Eslinger Pharmacy, Nursing & Allied Sciences
Erienne Fawcett Women and Gender Studies
Brenda Field Pharmacy, Nursing & Allied Sciences
James Fornes Biological Sciences
Loretta Forsberg North Dakota Forest Service
Tammy Fraase Financial Aid and Scholarships
Jon Fry Agriculture Communication
Christy Gallegher-Lein VP for Research
Enrique Garcia Office of the VP for Information Technology
Jeff Gimbel Office of the VP for Information Technology
Diane  Goede College of Science and Math
Nate Gonser Information Technology Services
Rhonda Graetz Enrollment Management
Steven Gruver College of Engineering
Sowmya Gudise Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute
Lauren Hanna Animal Sciences
Diane Harrison NDSU Card Center
Ana Heilman-Morales Plant Science
April Helgaas Apparel Merchandising, Interior Design, and Hospitality Management
Becky Hellman Tangen Office of the VP for Research and Creative Activities
Shane Herman Human Resources
Annie Hessinger Bismarck Nursing
Kay Hopkins College of Business
Bonnie Hurner Public Health
Cole Jackson Information Technology Services
Rose Jackson Athletics
Terry Jackson Criminal Justice
Sara J. Johnson International Student and Study Abroad
Aubrey Ketterling Budget Office
AJ Klein Enrollment Management
Phil Koapke North Central Research Extension Center
Doreen Kramer Customer Account Services
Donna Kristianson Tri-College
Sharley Kurtz ITS
Melissa Lamp Office of the Provost
Jobey Lichtblau Wellness Center
Kim Matzke-Ternes VP Finance and Administration
Kenfrey Mbuba Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory (Ag Extension)
Wendy McCrory NDSU Card Center / Software Services, Office of the VP for Information Technology
Susan McDaniel Voice and Collaboration Services
Jason Medders Residence Life
Mimi Monson Pharmaceutical Sciences
Nancy Mueller Student Success Programs
Linda Murphy One Stop
Patrick Nichols Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute
Ryan Niemann Customer Account Services
Barbara Nilles Plant Pathology
Lane O'Brien AES Plant Pathology
Lorna Olsen Information Technology Services
Jerry  Olson  Distance & Continuing Education, Group Decision Center
Karen Olson  Center for Social Resesarch
Paul Omernik Physics
Kim Owen Office of the VP for Information Technology
Kelly  Paynter  Communication, Modern Languages
Diane  Pennington Entomology 
Rose Jackson Athletics
Jodi Pierce Registration and Records
Janelle Quam Office of the VP for Agricultural Affairs
Jerry Ranum Agriculture Communication
Amy Reese Library
Jenna Reno College of Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences
John Rickertsen Hettinger Research Extension Center
Christy Riddle Sociology, Anthropology
Christina Rodenbiker University Police and Safety Office
Michael Russell Office of Teaching and Learning
Bobbi Ruziska University Police and Safety Office
Siji Saul Center for Computational Assisted Science and Technology
Joshua Schroetter VP Finance and Administration
AJ Schuler Office of Admission
Sara Schuchard Langdon Research Extension Center
Tim Schulz Dining Services
Linda Schuster Carington Research Extension Center
Jim Sellner Information Technology Services
Jim Senechel Information Technology Services
Merideth Sherlin Wellness Center
Michele Sherman English & Modern Languages
Claudia Simon Disability Services
Steve Sobiech Enterprise Computing and Infrastructure
Kristi Steinmann Office of the VP for Information Technology
James Staricka Willison Research Extension Center
Brit Stevens Parking
Melissa Stotz Information Technology Services
Michael Strode Dickinson Research Extension Center
Lori Swinney Information Technology Services
Nonnie Tangen Graduate School
Sara Terfehr Student Health Services
Aimee Thapa Ext Plant Pathology
Elizabeth Thompson Human Resources and Payroll
Kelly Todd School of Design, Arch + Art
Kate Ulmer History, Philosophy & Religious Studies / Emergency Management
Jerry South Career and Advising Center
Kyle Vanderburg Performing Arts
Marc Wallman VP for Information Technology
Gary Whaley Enterprise Computing and Infrastructure
Michael Wolf Information Technology Services
Mijia Yang Civil Engineering
Ann Young Grant and Contract Accounting

Keywordsinformation, technology, comms, tech, technical,   Doc ID108390
OwnerKristi S.GroupNDSU IT Knowledge Base
Created2021-01-15 15:21:13Updated2023-06-29 14:22:04
SitesNDSU IT Knowledge Base
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