Setting Up Respondus LockDown Browser in Blackboard Ultra

Follow the steps below to enable and configure RLDB for your exam in the Blackboard Ultra Course View:
  1. Go to the Course Content area in your Blackboard course. 

Course Content area in Blackboard Ultra course

     2. Create or Edit a Test:

    • If you are creating a new test, on the Course Content page, select the plus sign (+) wherever you want to add a test. In the menu, select Create to open the Create Item panel and select Test. The New Test page opens.
    • To edit an existing test, click on the test name. The test page opens.  

     3. In the test editor, select the gear settings icon on the right of Assessment Settings.

Assessment Settings Icon

     4. Scroll down and Select LockDown Browser Dashboard under the Assessment Security section. 

Respondus LockDown Browser Dashboard link

     5. Select the drop-down arrow next to the test you want to enable LockDown Browser for and select Settings

Settings under drop down arrow

     6. Require LockDown Browser for this exam: Enable this option to ensure that students must use RLDB to take the test. 

     7. After making your selections, select Save + Close to apply the settings to your test. 

Save and close button

Related Resources

Respondus, LockDown Browser, blackboard, blackboard ultra 
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Sharley K. in NDSU IT Knowledge Base
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