Importing OMR Grades to Blackboard Ultra Course

Below is an overview of importing OMR grades to Blackboard Ultra Course.

You will need to download to your computer the"BBout" text file(ex. INSTSVS_BBout__300000.txt) sent to you through Secure File Transfer when your exams were processed at the IT Service Center. Make note of the file name and save location so you can easily find it later.

Make the file ready to upload in Blackboard

Windows PC

  1. Open the "BBout" text file(ex. INSTSVS_BBout__300000.txt) file in your default program (usually Notepad). Do not open the file in a text editor like Microsoft Word.
  2. In Notepad on your PC, open the "File" menu and choose "Save As." Enter the name of your file and add the ".csv" extension and save it. This will automatically change it to CSV format.

    Image showing the  selection of filename from local computer

Mac OS

  1. Open the "BBout" text file(ex. INSTSVS_BBout__300000.txt) file in your default program (usually Text Edit). Do not open the file in a text editor like Microsoft Word.
  2. For Mac OS and Text Edit, choose "File" and then "Rename" - name the file again and add the ".csv" extension at the end and save it. Simply adding the ".csv" extension to the text file will change the file format itself to ".csv".

To upload exam scores into a NEW COLUMN in the Grade Center

  • Open your Ultra course in Blackboard and click onGradeBook 
  • Go to the “Grades” tab
  • Click the "Upload gradebook" icon

    Image sowing the selection of "upload gradebook"
  • Clickon the “Drop File” boxtolocate the BBout filesaved on your computer (Or you can drag and Drop your file in the box)
  • Once the file gets processed, UNCHECK the box to the left of the "ID"unless you also want to create a new column containing the Student IDs in the GradeBook
  • ClickUpload
    Image showing how to upload gradebook
  • The new column is added to the right edge of the GradeBook - the column is namedScore_xxxxxx (where xxxxxx is the generated Incident Number for this OMR job)
  • Click on the Column Name, select “Edit” to rename the column.

Handling Upload Errors  

If you encounter an "Error" pane after clicking Upload, some students may have missing usernames. If you see an "Invalid Username" error, some students may have entered their username incorrectly.
  Image showing error due to invalid username

  Error warning dialog with 'Cancel' and  'Upload' button.

To proceed, click Upload on the error pane. The system will successfully import scores for students without errors. For students with errors, review their answer sheets and manually enter their scores.  

Related Resources

Blackboard, bb, ultra, blackboard ultra, OMR, grades, OMR Grades 
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Owned by:
Sharley K. in NDSU IT Knowledge Base
NDSU IT Knowledge Base