Qualtrics - Publishing

Can I make adjustments after I've published? Is the link different every time I publish?


    You can publish your survey as many times as you want and make adjustments at any moment. The link will remain the same regardless of how many times you publish. By publishing your survey, you ensure your respondents have the most recent changes. The publication of a survey only impacts new, incoming respondents; responses in progress will not see the changes.

    1. To publish your survey, click the publish button on the right side.

    publish button on the right

    KeywordsQualtrics, publishing, publish   Doc ID129771
    OwnerLinda C.GroupNDSU IT Knowledge Base
    Created2023-07-17 13:25:47Updated2024-09-18 16:23:22
    SitesNDSU IT Knowledge Base
    Feedback  0   0