Program Requests
New Program Requests and Modifications
To propose new academic programs, use the Courseleaf system. The following templates can be used in conjunction with Courseleaf.
- New Program Exploration
- New Program Request; exploration must be approved first.
- Delivery Method Change; adding the option of distance delivery to an existing in-person, on-campus program is the most typical example of a delivery method change.
- Degree Type Change
- Program/Plan Modification
- Program Title and/or CIP Code Change
- Program Inactivation/Reactivation; inactivating a program means that students will not be able to apply to that program or change their major to that program. Current students will be able to finish their program while a program is inactive. An inactive program remains in NDSU's academic portfolio. A program may be inactivated for up to 3 years, then must be reactivated or terminated.
- Program Termination; (inactivation/reactivation should be completed first); terminating a program removes it from NDSU's academic portfolio. Students will not be able to complete a terminated program.
New Center/Institute Requests
New centers and institutes require State Board approval in two phases. Complete the EXPLORATION form to begin the process, and complete the REQUEST form to seek final approval. Changes to center/institute names also requires NDUS approval; the request form should be re-completed with the name change justification.
- New Center/Institute Exploration
- New Center/Institute Request
- Approved Centers/Institutes List (updated 4.22.22)
Program/Department Name Changes and New Prefix Request
For academic department or program name changes or prefix changes, complete the following template forms and submit to Name changes and prefix requests go through the North Dakota University System.
Approvals of Program Requests
The Office of the Provost notifies campus constituents when the NDUS/SBHE has approved a program request. Although approved, changes may not be ready to be marketed until final changes have been implemented by Registration & Records.