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Active and Collaborative Learning

Active learning is “generally defined as any instructional method that engages students in the learning process. In short, active learning requires students to do meaningful learning activities and think about what they are doing” (Prince, 2004).

Tips/ best practices

  • Active Learning Tips - Explore tips on how to add active learning strategies into you face-to-face, online, and hybrid courses
  • 226 Active Learning Techniques - Iowa State, a leader in active learning, has compiled and organized, by categories, “fun” and successful techniques to use in your courses

Highlight a book or articles

Collaborative learning: Collaborative learning is an approach in which learners work together in groups to solve a problem, complete an activity or design a product. During this instructional approach, learners share learning goals, interact positively among each other, and formulate new ideas.  

Tips/ best practices

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Group work:
When students work together as a group, they can practice their skills and share their knowledge.

Tips/ best practices

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Discussions allow learners to process information, exchange ideas, and developing their thinking and reasoning skills.

Tips/ best practices

Reading and articles                

Keywordsactive learning, classroom, instructional design, course design,   Doc ID119207
OwnerSharley K.GroupIT Knowledge Base
Created2022-06-22 14:21:01Updated2023-09-26 14:20:40
SitesIT Knowledge Base
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