Request Printer Network Address
In order for a network printer to work effectively and consistently on a network, it needs to be set with its own permanent network address. In order to obtain a IP Reservation, you will need to complete the Domain Name Service request at the IT Service Portal. You will need the following information when completing the form:
- Department Name
- Printer Location (building and room)
- Printer Model
- Inventory Number (is required, even if purchase value is less than minimum)
- If this is a replacement - IP address and inventory number of old printer
- Hardware (MAC) address
How to Determine Printer IP Address
Other Information
By default, NDSU will assign an IP address from a private address range. It is highly recommended that you set computers to print to the DNS name and not the IP address. This process gives greater flexibility when departments change printers, physically move buildings, and it also enhances security and allows for less use of the public network. Information Technologies will be transitioning all current printers using the public network to the 10.134.x.y network.
ITS will be using a default naming convention for all networked printers.This default DNS name will look similar to:
where the xy is the department sub-domain.