Upload EchoPoll & Pointsolutions Polling Results into Blackboard Learn - Web Version
Below is an overview for instructors uploading poll results to Blackboard Learn from the web version of pointsolutions.
If you have already integrated your pointsolutions account with your Blackboard Learn courses, you can upload the polling results to the Blackboard Learn Grade Center directly.
1. Login to your pointsolutions account through Blackboard Learn.
2. In the Active Courses tab, select "Select" for the course you want to view polling results for
3. Select the "Results" tab
4. In the Grade book section, select "Export".
5. Select "Blackboard".
Note: If you select "CSV Export", an Excel file will automatically download to your computer
6. Select the sessions you want to upload
7. Select "Upload".
8. You will see a green message saying how many sessions were successfully uploaded. You can press "Dismiss" to acknowledge the message.
Note: The polling results are sent to Blackboard Learn Grade Center.