Blackboard Learn Original and Ultra - Final Grade Integration to Campus Connection

Below are instructions for importing final grades from Blackboard Learn Original and Ultra into Campus Connection.

Faculty have the option to import final grades into Campus Connection (CC). This integration allows the instructor of record to import final grades from Blackboard Learn Original and Ultra courses directly into Campus Connection. 

Step One: Enter Final Grades in Blackboard 

Blackboard Original

A pre-configured grade column called “CC Final Grade” is included in all Blackboard Learn Original courses. This column should be used to enter final grades and will be the column imported into Campus Connection. We recommend that you do not delete this column from the Grade Center. 
For the grade integration to work using the CC Final Grade, follow these steps:
  1. Type a final grade in the column
  2. Set this column as the External Grade column. The green check mark is a visual indicator that it is the External Grade column. 
  3. To set the “CC Final Grade” column to the External Grade: Select the context menu to the right of the column name and select Set as External Grade in the menu. The green check will appear to the left of the new selection. 

Blackboard Ultra

Blackboard Ultra courses use the "Overall Grade" column for import. This column should be used to enter final grades and will be the column imported into Campus Connection. We recommend that you do not delete this column from the gradebook. 

  1. Go to your "Gradebook"
  2. Click on "Grades" tab.
  3. Click on the icon of your "Overall Grade" column, some options will appear.

  4. Please click on "Edit".
  5. On the right side you will notice "Select how the overall grade is displayed". From the dropdown of that choose "CC Final Grade (GRD)'
  6. Then click "Save". This will change your column from percentage to points. 

Step Two: Importing Grades into Campus Connection

The following provides a step-by-step overview of importing grades from Blackboard to Campus Connection. Note: Core Technology Services (CTS) detailed instructions on Blackboard Grades Integration.
  1. Log into Campus Connection and navigate to
    • Self-Service
    • Faculty Center
    • Grade Roster
  2. Click on the Import Grades button. This will import the Blackboard Learn grades displayed in the “CC Final Grade” column OR any other column set as the External Grade column.
  3. After grades are imported from Blackboard Learn, it is important to review the results. If the "Grade Import Error Log link displays, you need to click on it to review errors. If necessary, instructors can override the imported grade by choosing the drop-down arrow and selecting a different grade.

    Course Sections Merged in Blackboard Learn 

    This is where two or more class sections in Campus Connection have been merged into one course in Blackboard Learn Original or Ultra:
    1. Grade all students in the parent course in Blackboard (Original/Ultra).
    2. In Campus Connection, you will import grades for each section. 
      • When you import grades in the first section, all grades will populate for the students in this section; and students in the other section(s) will show in the ‘Grade Import Error Log’ with the error ‘Student does not exist on Roster’.
    3. Repeat the grade import process for each section in Campus Connection. Review the results to ensure all students are graded in Campus Connection.

    Need Assistance with the Campus Connection Import?

    grades, black, board, blackbord, bord, connect, grading, class, classes, course, courses blackbaord LAIC, import, Campus Connection, blackboard learn original, learn original 
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    Sharley K. in NDSU IT Knowledge Base
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